Our Human Bodies and Psyches Are Part of Mother Nature

Our human bodies and psyches are part of Mother Nature.

But our linear minds/intellects might forget this...operating as if we are separate and superior.

The answer is to relearn how to bond to each other, our true self and to Mother Nature.

{Ancient humankind felt no separation between the sun, sky, earth and him/herself. We loved and revered Mother Nature and this increased crop yields...)

It sounds like ancient humankind might have felt much safer than we do, despite all our tools...

A focus on gratitude, forgiveness and self acceptance....will gradually heal the alienation so many of us feel deep inside.

Just never give up until you feel a warm, soft bond to all of life.

Does Mother Nature ever give up?


How much do we really value our children?


There is no way round the person you were born to become.