Spiritual Secrets

Spiritual Secrets

In the late 1960's, Hawaiian Kahuna Abraham Kauai risked death when he chose to share ancient spiritual knowledge with people outside his culture.

The aboriginal Hawaiian punishment for breaking the secrecy code, was death. But this particular Kahuna (translated “Keeper of the Secrets”) felt great compassion for the widespread spiritual hunger in the West.

“It was a soul decision,” Abraham, my teacher for a decade, explained. (Happily, rather than kill him, the other kahuna teachers just followed his example.)

Similarly, Amma, the famous Indian hugging saint, travels the world, offering up her infinite knowledge as freely as Mother Nature disperses her seeds. Amma has hugged a mind-boggling 34 million people in an unflagging effort to help us experience what Universal Love feels like.

But what exactly are these spiritual secrets, hidden until now?
Would we understand them, even if we heard them? Certainly, the West is more mechanistic than the East's spiritually-infused culture.

But now the East is industrializing while our mental health crisis is highlighting just how off kilter we are. Maybe we simply have no choice but to learn to understand this ancient wisdom.

Put simply, here they are some keys.

1) Everything is made out of Universal Love/the Creator/the Tao.

Scientists know everything is made out of Energy. But the penny hasn't quite dropped emotionally - most of us do not go round feeling that everyone, including ourselves, and all of life are made out of infinite love and are Eternal.

But it is still true....

2) Because we are part of the Tao, what we think manifests. So our quality of thoughts really matters. (Literally!)

Abraham often said that our thoughts take 10 years to manifest.

Even the act of observing negative thoughts reduces their power to manifest in our lives. But even better, is to find the energy to replace them with positive thoughts. (Abraham said if we caught them within 8 seconds, negative thoughts were neutralized entirely.)

3) Our culture might prefer the magic bullet approach because it is easier to pop a pill. But authentic, lasting transformation and healing is most often gradual, just like pregnancy. Time is needed for our psyches and our bodies to heal or learn to accept a higher vibration.

4) Evolution puts a strain on our bodies and psyches.

Normally, people live more outwardly, facing challenges as they come. This is living horizontally. But when we start to awaken and employ spiritual practices like meditation, we begin to live vertically. (This just means that we are learning how to raise our vibration.) But living this way takes greater effort and concentration.

Perhaps our meditation practice uncovers areas of old wounding. Then extra energy is needed to navigate the demands of our daily lives, while inside, old fears, traumatic memories and intensely uncomfortable emotions, come up to be cleared. Stress and insecurity result.

Increased peace and wisdom arrive eventually but during a shift, we can feel as if we are climbing up a ladder, whose rungs fall away as soon as our feet leave them.

5) Things look darkest before dawn! We may feel most distressed just when we are on the verge of a vibrational shift into more awareness. Our discomfiture propels us more deeply into questioning, prayer and meditation. The end result is that your psyche solves the conflict or difficulty by rising in vibration and moving into peace.

6) If we fight our fear, it will get bigger.

What works is to just step back, as if taking a photo of our experience. We will witness how fear grabs hold of us and makes us think and behave in certain ways. As we observe how fear distorts our perceptions and makes us act in useless or hurtful ways, our fear dissolves into higher awareness.

This process can be extremely uncomfortable because underneath, our egos don't want us to see their tricks....

If we just stay present, witness our experience and steer toward compassion for ourselves, fear will lift. We will feel lighter, happier, more understanding of others and our whole life will work better.

7) We cannot love anyone more than we love ourselves.

We might not even glimpse the possibility of self-love until we're far enough into adulthood to realize that our conditioned ego might not be aligned with our true Essence.

Then we might use regular spiritual practices to support our movement into more truth. Just doing them regularly helps Universal Love integrate into the psyche and body. They also give us time and space to just be with ourselves and what is.

This makes it easier to become self-compassionate and compassionate to all others which is the mark of the successful spiritual journey.


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