Indian Spiritual Masters Perspective on Pregnancy

An Indian spiritual master’s perspective on pregnancy…

1) A spiritual master in India would say that a pregnant woman can deeply influence her baby’s life, especially by her thoughts about her infant.

(My mom was not happy to be pregnant with me. Through some deep work, I accessed my unhappy experience in utero. To my mother’s great credit, when I asked her about this, she admitted it was true…she had not wanted me… THE GOOD NEWS IS IT IS ALL HEALABLE IF ADDRESSED)

2) A master would say that others should do what they can to help lift responsibilities and obligations off pregnant women, giving them time to dream and just be themselves and the changes in their bodies. This would create the best climate for the growing baby.

(Interestingly Western societies know stress in pregnancy results in greater development of humankind’s earliest brain, the reptilian brain, which sees issues in black and white and gets defensive easily.)

Maybe children in the West would have fewer behavioral problems if we paid more attention to their more subtle realm of human experience.


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