Spiritual knowledge Makes Life Easier

Spiritual secrets/knowledge make life easier. They allow a big picture understanding that helps us relax and broaden our minds.

1) Just as day follows night, every sorrowful time will be followed by an upswing/joy.

(Simply knowing this, can lighten sorrowful periods)

2) The more we fight and struggle with our faults and frailties…in a trying-to-fix kind of way… the larger they will loom.

3) Learning to embrace yourself as you are, will shrink faults and frailties…

(Whatever we embrace, we become bigger than. We are more than our faults and frailties…Every human being is of intrinsic value.)

Hint: Seeing/feeling our own worth can become easier as we get older…

Practical Tip: Don’t underestimate the imagination.

If you are worried about something in the future, surround it in pink and gold, at very least several times (i.e. meetings, travel, even the next year or two or even your whole future.)

This helps steer the psyche/unconscious towards creating a positive outcome.

It works way better than focusing on worry/negativity which so often ends up a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Indian Spiritual Masters Perspective on Pregnancy


Studying with spiritual masters made miracles the new normal.