Studying with spiritual masters made miracles the new normal.

One thing about spending years with spiritual masters is that your idea of normal starts to include the miraculous.

I watched Abraham, a Hawaiian Kahuna or shaman, build an outdoor kitchen – quite an elaborate structure – without a ruler or measuring tape. He just intuited where to cut. When he finished, everything lined up perfectly.

He knew his time. Of death. Apparently in perfect health, he told his wife that he would die the next day and he did.

A older friend and long time. devotee of Amma, the Indian hugging saint, feel off a very high stage and landed on her head on cement. Amma gently touched her head while everyone waited for an ambulance. Later the doctors and nurses said the lack of injury was uncanny and she was released the next day.

Another friend and devotee of Amma got pregnant when several specialists had told her she would never be able to have another baby.

There were countless other examples of such things. (I started studying with these healers after my own son experienced a miracle healing thanks to Olga Worrall.)

As Shakespeare writes in Hamlet:
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”


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